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Womens Society of Christian Service
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Womens Society of Christian Service |
Wesley WSCS
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Prov 3:5-6 (NKJV)
Happy Lunar New Year to You!
Wishing all beloved believers of God’s begotten Son,
A Happy Chinese New Year celebration, with
Family, Friends, Church and Community!
Tuesday Fellowship meeting: 11 Feb 2025 at 11am, in Plaza Hall.
Speaker: Mr Andre de Winne
To register, text your name to 9178 9338/9484 6652.
Getting to Know God
The most important aspect of the Christian Life is our Relationship with God/Christ!
In the beginning, God created the world, and He did not give up on us when we sinned against Him. Our unholiness disqualifies us from communing with Him. Despite our unfaithfulness, He remained faithful and revealed Himself to us. If we acknowledge our sinfulness, repent/turn from our sinful ways, and believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection, for our forgiveness, we can enjoy a Father-Child Relationship with Him.
Each Faithful Follower of Christ can get to know God more, through the Spirit- inspired writings in the Bible (preserved through the centuries!). It is through the Bible that we know the Character, Promises, Purposes/Will of God. As the believer obeys the Scripture and puts into practice, its teachings, he/she becomes salt and light in the community. The Holy Spirit who lives within each true believer, will transform, guide and help the believer to know God better. To know God, we must also know Jesus, who is God incarnate!
The Names of God, as recorded in the Bible, help us to know God better. May we learn to Know Him and Love Him more, as we walk closely with Him through the year ahead!
- Adonai (Master, Lord) The Master/Lord directs our steps and expects obedience. The believer/”slave” acknowledges His Lordship, surrenders his/her desires/life and trust in a loving, just Master who always acts in the best interest of His people, providing for their needs. They trust His wisdom, timing, and protection.
- El Elyon (God Most High) He is the strong Sovereign God in whom we can put our trust.
- Elohim (All-Powerful One/Creator) He is the All-powerful Creator of the Universe, who spoke Creation into existence! (“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen 1:1) He knows each star by name (Psalm 147:4) The wonders of nature, the sunset, the beauty of each flower, the intricate design and uniqueness of each baby/person, testifies to His brilliance, power and creativity! He knows our thoughts, and the number of hair on our heads. He has a plan for our lives. We can trust His unfailing love. Always a plural noun, when referring to God, with a singular verb. (Supports doctrine of Trinity.)
- El Olam (The Everlasting/Eternal God) He is the Beginning and the End.
- El Roi (God who sees me) He sees all that we are going through. He knows our troubles and cares for us. eg. He ministered to Hagar, the desperate Egyptian maid who had run away from Sarai. (“The eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.” Psalm 33:18)
- El Shaddai (The All-Sufficient One/God Almighty) He is the All-Sufficient Source of all our blessings. A Help with all our problems.
- Immanuel (God with us) Jesus is God with us., in Person. The Son of God came in human form, to live in Israel/with us. He walked and talked with His people.
- Jehovah (The Self-Existent One) The Faithful God of the Covenant. He does not change. His promises never fail. God’s most common name.
- Jehovah Jireh (The Lord will provide) God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac and He provided His own Son, Jesus, as the sacrifice for the world’s sins. To provide salvation and eternal life. He will meet all our needs, though sometimes He provides at the last moment, when we are fully dependent on Him. eg. strength, our health, peace of mind. We are able also to be channels of God’s provision to others!
- Jehovah Nissi (The Lord is my Banner) God helped the Israelites to win their battle as long as Moses’ hands and God’s staff were raised. God gives us victory over our challenges, the flesh, the world and Satan. We trust in His power, not our own strength.
- Jehovah Mekaddishkem (The Lord who Sanctifies) God sets us apart as His Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy “nation”. He helps us to mature.
- Jehovah Rapha (The Lord Who Heals) God has provided the ultimate cure of all diseases- spiritual, physical, mental, emotional...in Jesus Christ. God has power to heal us! (“I, the Lord, am your healer.” Exod 15:26) He can restore us from brokenness, to wholeness and peace. Though He did not remove Paul’s thorn in the flesh, He said: “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 12:9. He will provide strength to endure.
- Jehovah Rohi ( The Lord is my Shepherd) The Lord protects, provides, leads, guides, cares for His children, tenderly and lovingly. He knows us by name. is rod and staff are symbols of His guidance and protection. Even when we walk through the darkest valleys, we do not need to fear because our Lord is with us. And There is safety and security under His care!
- Jehovah Shalom (The Lord is Peace) Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The Lord defeats our enemies (eg. Gideon was victorious with only 300 men!) God gives us inner peace, no matter what happens in our lives. (“The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:7)
- Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts/Heaven’s Armies) The Lord of Hosts will always fulfil God’s purposes, even though His people on earth do not.
- Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is there/The Lord who is present) This is the new name of a restored Jerusalem in Ezekiel’s vision, giving hope to the exiles of Israel. God’s Presence is not limited to specific locations eg Tabernacle/ Temple. He is with all who love and obey Him. Believers are not alone.
- Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord, our Righteousness) According to Jeremiah, this is the name of the Messiah/King who will impart His righteousness to us. We cannot make ourselves right with God through good works! When God looks at us, He sees Jesus’ righteousness. So instead of judgment, we are accepted and loved, in Christ. We will live righteous lives- in the way we think, speak and act.
- YHWH /Yahweh ( I AM /The One Who is/The Self-Existent One) God never changes. This is God’s personal name given to Moses. (Ex 3:14) Translated “LORD” in the English Bible. The Jews considered it too holy to be spoken and commonly used “Adonai” which is translated “Lord”. He is a God who keeps His promises and cares about the suffering of His people. (Ex 3:7) When we call to Him, He responds. He is our Refuge and our Hope.
Food for Reflection:
For this is what the LORD says –
He who created the heavens ... he is GOD;
He who fashioned and made the earth...
“ I am the LORD, and there is no other.
I have not spoken in secret, ...
I, the LORD, speak the truth;
I declare what is right. ”
(Isaiah 45:18-19)
WSCS Bible Study (Sat) Group
Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Happy New Year!
Next Meeting: 8 Feb 2025 at 2pm (online)
The WSCS Bible Study (Sat) Group “meets” on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
We study Holy Scripture to know God better, and gain a better understanding of His work in the world and His ways. In the process, we encourage one another along our personal pilgrimage.
We welcome ladies of all ages! (online)
Please text enquiries to Ms Khoo Heng Keow at 9484 6652.