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February 2025

Why Convos: Why believe in God when we have science?

26 February 2025 (Wed) 7:30pm
L2 Hall, Wesley Methodist Church

Why believe in God when we have science?

Is there a conflict between God and science? Is God just a convenient excuse to explain difficult aspects of our world? What does the evidence suggest?

Join us if you are a believer who is curious about these questions or invite someone you know asking these questions.

Foo Yu Da is a full-time Digital Marketer, and did his Master of Arts in Apologetics with Biola University.

WHEN: Wed, 26 Feb
TIME: 7.30pm
WHERE: L2 Hall,
Wesley Methodist Church

For more information, email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Sign up below or @ https://wesley.sg/WCRF 

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493