15 | 16

February 2025

History of Christianity III: The Reformation

Discipleship & Nurture
11, 18 and 25 Feb 2025
Online via Zoom

History of Christianity III: The Reformation

Lecturer: Dr Leow Theng Huat
Dates: 11, 18 and 25 Feb 2025 Time: 8 to 10pm
Mode: Online via ZOOM


The history of Christianity is usually divided into these four periods: The Early Church, the Middle Ages, the Reformation and the Modern Age.

After looking at the Early Church (up to AD 600) and Middle Ages (AD 600 to 1500), we move on to explore the Reformation (AD 1500 to 1750). We will look at the three major reform movements of this era: The Magisterial Reformation, the Radical Reformation and the Catholic Reformation. We will also reflect on how these past happenings speak to us today.

Leow Theng Huat has been attending Wesley Methodist Church ever since a friend invited him to church when he was in secondary school. He was baptised and became a member during his National Service days. He is married to Cheng Ping, and they have three children. Theng Huat is currently serving as a lecturer of theology at Trinity Theological College. His passion is to convey the relevance and practicality of Christian theology for our life and ministry.

Come and join us as we examine this short but tumultuous period in our history which radically transformed the face of Christianity, and continues to exercise a profound impact on us today! (It is not necessary for you to have attended the earlier history courses to benefit from this course.)

Please register below or at https://wesley.sg/coreseries

Registration will be closed when it has reached its maximum capacity.

For more information, contact Felicia Ong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493