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Men's Gathering

Men-in-Christ Ministry
13 July 2024 (Sat) 8:30am – 10:30am
Plaza Hall

“Am I Successful?”

What does success mean to you? How far does the world’s definition of success go with the truth of God’s Word? What does true success look like in the eyes of our Creator God?

Specially designed for men, this empowering talk and session will be led by our PIC, Ps Raymond Fong, who will guide us in a discussion on understanding success from a biblical perspective.


  • Insightful discussion on redefining success according to God's Word
  • Personal testimonies and stories of wrestle, faith and triumph
  • Practical steps to align your life goals with God's purpose, and
  • Meaningful fellowship and connection with other like-minded men.

Whether you’re struggling with feelings of inadequacy, seeking deeper fulfillment, or simply wanting to grow in your faith, this session is for you.Come as you are and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and direction as you seek true success that honours God and enriches your lives and communities.

Men, let's redefine and achieve success together, in Christ!

Date: 13 July 2024 (Sat)
Time: 8.30 to 10.30am (Breakfast available at 8.00am)
Location: Plaza Hall

Register using form below or at https://wesley.sg/mensgathering13jul

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493